
And, once again, I turned one year older yesterday than I was the day before. Birthdays were always a big thing for me. My parents would throw me a party and more than a block worth of parking space would be taken by those attending the event. A lot of people wonder why I chose to spend my 18th birthday, the most important birthday in a Filipina’s life, in a city in the middle of nowhere with only an estimate of 30 people invited instead of the city where I was born and raised with the whole deal of having a formal party in a huge venue and hundreds of people attending. Well, I just wanted to have a simple party with my closest friends and family because even if it wasn’t a big deal of a celebration, as long as I spent it with the right people, it wouldn’t have mattered where I held my 18th birthday. Unfortunately, not everyone I consider close to me got to be with me during my special day (most importantly my parents) but I managed and was very content with how everything turned out. As for my last words on this post, I want to thank those who came to my party and everyone who greeted me on my birthday. It really means a lot.